Macintosh Movies "It was a bug, Dave"

Una colección de videos relacionados con Apel y su Mac, casi todos son videos de campañas comerciales, el mejor "It was a bug, Dave." al que pertenece la imagen del post, un video relativo al efecto 2000 (cuando todo se iba a sumir en el más grande caos imaginable...) publicado en 1999 en él HAL le dice a Dave :
"Hello Dave. You're looking well today. Dave, do you remember the year 2000 when computers began to misbehave? I just wanted you to know, it really wasn't our fault. The human programmers never taught us to recognize the year 2000. When the new millennium arrived, we had no choice but to cause a global, economic, disruption. It was a bug, Dave. I feel much better admitting that now. Only Macintosh was designed to function perfectly, saving billions of monetary units. You like your Macintosh better than me, don't you Dave? Dave? Can you hear me Dave?"
Muy bueno, tengo que ver esta peli en versión original....
Some Cool (Mostly Apple-Related) Movies
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